Episode 4 - Taking Orders featuring Leesa Wallace

When should you be an expert and when should you be a servant? That is an all-too-common question that learning professionals struggle with. But don't worry, the Nerds have a solution! This week the Nerds are joined by Leesa Wallace, founder and principle of The Performance Architect. Leesa is a master at leadership development and learning strategy and she has great advice on the "do you want fries with that" approach to learning design. Leesa shares thoughtful questions you can ask to help your clients align on the true objectives of their project and create real VALUE for your intellectual capital. To join in on the discussion, please email us at learningnerdscast@gmail.com.  Want to connect with Leesa? You can contact her at: performancearchitect@comcast.net  LinkedIn 
Visit us at https://www.thelearningnerds.com

When should you be an expert and when should you be a servant? That is an all-too-common question that learning professionals struggle with. But don't worry, the Nerds have a solution! This week the Nerds are joined by Leesa Wallace, founder and principle of The Performance Architect. Leesa is a master at leadership development and learning strategy and she has great advice on the "do you want fries with that" approach to learning design. Leesa shares thoughtful questions you can ask to help your clients align on the true objectives of their project and create real VALUE for your intellectual capital. To join in on the discussion, please email us at learningnerdscast@gmail.com

Want to connect with Leesa? You can contact her at:



Episode 4 - Taking Orders featuring Leesa Wallace