Episode 49 - The Secret Syllabus featuring Jay and Julia Phelan

It’s that ime of the year where we celebrate the accomplishments of young adults as they transition from High School to their selected adult path in life. For many of them this means going off to college and diving into the high education, But what does it take to be a successful learner in College? What are some techniques that can help you study better and how should you approach time with your professor? For many of us, we simply figured this out on our own, or we dropped out for something else. Well today we have a special gift for all the graduates out there. This week the Nerds welcome friends of the show Jay and Julia Phelan as they discuss Jay’s new book “The Secret Syllabus.” It’s a guide for new higher education students to help them prepare for success in their college career. This is a show you’ll want to share with your graduates, so let’s get started! If you would like to connect with Jay and Julia Phelan you can find them, here: Julia: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliacphelan/ juliaphelan@to11solutions.com  https://www.to11solutions.com Jay: Jay@ucla.com  https://www.facebook.com/The-Secret-Syllabus-107442731972333  Book: The Secret Syllabus; forthcoming from Princeton University Press https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Syllabus-Unwritten-College-Scholars/dp/0691224420/ref=sr_1_3?crid=353HH7GTHP6CF&keywords=the+secret+syllabus&qid=1642537141&sprefix=the+secret+syllabus%2Caps%2C123&sr=8-3 If you would like to join in on the discussion, you can email us at learningnerdscast@gmail.com#learninganddevelopment #work #development #email #people #leadership #podcast #instagram #humanresource #personaldevelopment #opportunity #business #instructionaldesign #instructionaldesigners #leadershipculture #culture #culturetransformation #culturematters #peopledevelopment #peoplefirst #professionaldevelopment #leadershipandmanagement #partnership #partnershipsmatter Daniel Coonrod Abby Dawson Book Topics: 1. The Big Picture: Every Culture Has Rules and Norms. Some Are Written, But Many Are Not. 2. Not Having a Career Plan on Day 1 Usually Is Better than Having One 3. Planning Your Schedule This Term, This Year, and Through Graduation 4. Planning Semester and Life Goals 5. Planning Daily and Weekly Goals Achieving Goals: How to Interact Effectively and Get Stuff That You Need 6. In Choosing Your Courses Seek Great Teachers 7. Office Hours: How to Get the Most from Your Instructors When You Control the Agenda 8. Classroom Behavior: How to Master Content and Make a Positive Impression on Your Instructor 9. Nurturing Your Relationships with Instructors: The Path to Recommendations, a Mentor, Jobs, and More The Nuts and Bolts of Learning and Performing 10. How to Study: (The Lessons You Need but Never Got) 11. Exams: How to Perform 12. Papers and Other Writing Assignments: Say It Better 13. How to Study a Language Overcoming Barriers to Success 14. Resilience: Everyone Falls, Only Some Get Back Up 15. Exam Postmortem: How to Learn from the Experience Career Planning 16. Getting into the Graduate School of Your Choice: The Process (and the Secret) 17. What Makes You an Appealing Job Candidate? It’s Not What You Think 18. The Big Picture, Revisited: If You Remember Just One Lesson Five Years from Now, It’s This …
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It’s that ime of the year where we celebrate the accomplishments of young adults as they transition from High School to their selected adult path in life. For many of them this means going off to college and diving into the high education, But what does it take to be a successful learner in College? What are some techniques that can help you study better and how should you approach time with your professor? For many of us, we simply figured this out on our own, or we dropped out for something else. Well today we have a special gift for all the graduates out there. This week the Nerds welcome friends of the show Jay and Julia Phelan as they discuss Jay’s new book “The Secret Syllabus.” It’s a guide for new higher education students to help them prepare for success in their college career. This is a show you’ll want to share with your graduates, so let’s get started!

If you would like to connect with Jay and Julia Phelan you can find them, here:








Book: The Secret Syllabus; forthcoming from Princeton University Press


If you would like to join in on the discussion, you can email us at learningnerdscast@gmail.com#learninganddevelopment #work #development #email #people #leadership #podcast #instagram #humanresource #personaldevelopment #opportunity #business #instructionaldesign #instructionaldesigners #leadershipculture #culture #culturetransformation #culturematters #peopledevelopment #peoplefirst #professionaldevelopment #leadershipandmanagement #partnership #partnershipsmatter Daniel Coonrod Abby Dawson

Book Topics:

1. The Big Picture: Every Culture Has Rules and Norms. Some Are Written, But Many Are Not.

2. Not Having a Career Plan on Day 1 Usually Is Better than Having One

3. Planning Your Schedule This Term, This Year, and Through Graduation 4. Planning Semester and Life Goals

5. Planning Daily and Weekly Goals

Achieving Goals: How to Interact Effectively and Get Stuff That You Need

6. In Choosing Your Courses Seek Great Teachers

7. Office Hours: How to Get the Most from Your Instructors When You Control the Agenda

8. Classroom Behavior: How to Master Content and Make a Positive Impression on Your Instructor

9. Nurturing Your Relationships with Instructors: The Path to Recommendations, a Mentor, Jobs, and More

The Nuts and Bolts of Learning and Performing

10. How to Study: (The Lessons You Need but Never Got)

11. Exams: How to Perform

12. Papers and Other Writing Assignments: Say It Better

13. How to Study a Language

Overcoming Barriers to Success

14. Resilience: Everyone Falls, Only Some Get Back Up

15. Exam Postmortem: How to Learn from the Experience

Career Planning

16. Getting into the Graduate School of Your Choice: The Process (and the Secret)

17. What Makes You an Appealing Job Candidate? It’s Not What You Think

18. The Big Picture, Revisited: If You Remember Just One Lesson Five Years from Now, It’s This …

Episode 49 - The Secret Syllabus featuring Jay and Julia Phelan