Episode 50 - Leadership Performance Via Emotional Intelligence featuring Mathew Taylor
In today’s brave new world, the leadership competencies that got the job done in the past are proving to be inadequate. Gone are the days when get the job done by focusing on shareholder value was the measurement of leadership success. Now leaders need to consider employee growth, retention and creating a work environment that fosters learning and growth. But where do these new competencies come from, and as learning leaders how do we begin to think about them and help our leaders grow so they can develop those who serve below them. This week the NERDS are joined by Mathew Taylor. Matt leads the Noble Story Group, a consulting firm that brings an emotional intelligence-based approach to leadership development in education and non-profit organizations. And he discusses how a change in mindset can equip leaders to be successful in today’s climate.
If you would like to connect with Matt you can do so:
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/matttaylor9/
email - info@noblestorygroup.co
website- www.noblestorygroup.com
facebook/twitter - @NobleStoryGroup
book – The Noble School Leader
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